The recent outcry by professional athletes has led to a reevaluation of all sports programs and the issue of TBI and concussions both inside and outside the sports arena is prime for discussion by everyone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a new web based program called "Heads Up" intended for school officials, coaches and parents, which I strongly recommend every parent read for the information contained about TBI and concussions. The program explains concussion danger signs and symptoms, severe brain injury, returning to school or the sport program, and recovery. Concussion signs include the child or athlete not recalling events before or after a hit or fall, appears dazed or confused, moves clumsily, forgets an instruction or is confused about an assignment or play, answers questions slowly, loses consciousness even briefly, or shows mood, behavior or personality changes. Symptoms include nausea or vomiting, headache, balance problems or dizziness, feeling sluggish, groggy or foggy, or just not feeling right.
In addition to sports related concussions, the CDC notes that there are 52,000 deaths, 275,00 hospital admissions, and 1,365,000 ER visits related to TBI every year. About 75% of the TBIs that occur are concusions or other types of mild truamatic brain injury. The indviduals most likely to sustain a TBI include children age 0-4, teenagers age 15-19 and older adults age 65 plus. Of course males sustain a TBI by a ratio of 2-1 over females. The leading causes of TBI are falls and motor vehicle accidents with auto accidents being the leading cause of TBI related deaths.
If you are injured and have symptoms of TBI as a result of a motor vehicle accident or a work related accident your should insure that you see a neurologist or other specialist in head trauma as soon as possible. In addition to a medical specialist you should contact an attorney to assist you in dealing with any potential claim. We have helped many individuals with accident related TBI or concussions by making sure they receive the best of medical care and treatment and that they receive the maximum amount of recovery for their injuries. We would be honored to discuss any issues your may have relating to TBI or concussions.
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